I compare
ceramics to
e x t r e m e l y slow
They both start with a concept.
They both contain a beginning, a middle, an end.
There is communication, orally or visually.
They must contain structure, tension
and resolution of ideas.
Both strive to produce a balanced dynamic
among parts:
glaze, firing, and form in a pot;
script, staging, and acting in a play.
Through repetition both attain refinement, nuance, depth.
On exhibit, both face audience reaction.

I use both the potters wheel and handbuilding for my functional stoneware work. Utilitarian pieces are fired in a reduction kiln to a high fired cone 10 (2300 degrees Farenheit). It takes several hours to load/unload a kiln, 12 hours for firing, and 24 hours for cooling before opening the door to see results. The ware is durable in the oven and microwave. Glazes are leadfree.
The raku vessels are made from high fired stoneware but are fired with glaze to a much lower temperatiure. They are fragile and not watertight but can serve as vases with a protective pad underneath. They are meant for decorative use, not for cooking or eating.